Why Allah gave us Ramadaan

I have been wondering why Allah in His Infinite Wisdom, Mercy and Love has given me Ramadaan. I know that Allah is Most WISE, so what is the Wisdom of Ramadaan? I know that Allah is Most MERCIFUL, So what is the Mercy of this month? I also know that Allah Loves me so WHY DO I HAVE TO STAY HUNGRY FOR 30 DAY!! i went to the Quraan and I found Allah Saying " O you who believe, fasting has been  ordained for you, as it has been ordained for those before you, So that you may GAIN TAQWA". I now had to find out what TAQWA is. The dictionary said :- to protect and strengthen. Looking deeper i found this to mean : Protecting my heart from the challenge of my Nafs.Protecting my heart by Connecting it to Allah. Therefore giving me the strength to obey HIM and stay away from that which displeases HIM. Looking even deeper, this 1 Ayah tells me that :- Allah wants me to be close to HIM He wants me to remember HIM He wants me to be a better human being He wants me, not just to be a Muslim, but to be a MU'MIN Allah wants to see me succeed at the time when with world is over. I now begin to see His Wisdom, mercy and that LOVE that i know He has for me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then I came across this "You will not attain closeness to Allah until you leave that which you love most". I love nice food! SO here i am sacrificing something that I love, for Allah. I realised that He was helping me take the neccesary steps to get closer to HIM! I see that He wants to save me. I knew that He loved me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- During Ramadaan the Gates of Jannah are open.The effect of that is Peace, Calmness and the Desire to do Good. In Ramadaan Allah is giving me the opportunity to train myself. During this month, I tend to pray extra Salaahs, recite Quraan, be kinder and more generous. But its not about being better for just 1 month. Its about using this precious  time to build good habits, rightous actions and a beneficial lifestyle, for the rest of the year.And when Ramadaan comes around next year i can build even more, on that, Inshalla.So with each passing Ramadaan i become a better person, better believer and i keep getting closer to Allah. A very important factor here is to WANT to make the change.The want to be better. The want to be a  better human being and better believer.I've gotta want to stop that which displeases Allah and i gotta want to start Loving HIM. I pray to Allah to Help me make the changes and to improve every year, only to gain His pleasure. Inshalla Allah is right here with me. I feel His presence. I keep Him close. I remember Him always. I Love Him.


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