The Purpose of Our Creation

The purpose of our creation is to worship Allah.
And to worship Him in everything that we do.
This a form of awareness.
Awareness of Allah, in our daily lives and activities.
Being aware allows us to exist in a more thoughtful manner.
Being thoughtful gives us the opportunity to live the best life we can live, remembering Allah throughout.
This develops our spiritually and strengthens our connection with Allah.
Gearing us to be the best that we can be.
But when we forget the purpose of our creation and forget the reason that Allah has placed us here and we then live in carefree manner.
That's when things start going a bit haywire.

Humans are holistic beings, comprising of physical, mental, emotional and spiritually areas.
We need to develop all these areas of ourselves in order for us to function optimally.

The truth is that most of us are developed in all the areas but not in the spiritual aspect of life. This puts us on the back foot as in this life we are tested.
And in order to get through the tests successfully and optimally we need to be spiritually mature as well.


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