
The Power of Healing

Auricular Acupuncture    The best of believers is a strong believer. That means, spiritually, physically and very importantly, emotionally strong. Healing from the effects of negative emotions is imperative as it affects the way we deal with people and respond to life situations.  It affects  the way we view and experience our time here on earth. When we look through eyes of love and light, we will be met with love and light. But if we are to look through eyes of anger and hatred, that is what we will be met with.  In order to be successful in our attempts of imbibing Haqiqa Muhammadiya we have to let go of the past and trust in Allah about the present and the future. At times this is easier said than  done. How does a person heal. Firstly by strengthening our connection with Allah, as Allah says “ Except in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find contentment”. Allah has created the human body with the ability of healing itself from anything. Human beings are a part of nature requiring

10 Habits that will change your life in 6 months

  1. Waking up 20 minutes before Fajr  Your soul needs this time with its Lord. A time to connect with Allah without any distractions. At least 2 raka'a Tahajud and Sincere Dua.  Have an early start to the day. Plan your day. Be more productive.  The early start is a huge life hack. It's gives you more time to achieve your goals.  2. Writing down your thoughts before bed. Writing before bed will improve your quality of sleep.  Here's what you can write down : -Your goals for tomorrow -What you're grateful for -Any negative thoughts  This will improve your mental health dramatically.  3. Learning a skill - 30 minutes a day  Use Udemy or any other platform.  Coupon Code is available for free Udemy courses. No excuses.  4. Spend 1 hour a day exercising.  To have good mental health your also must have good physical health.  Do exercises the strengthen an tone your body like:- Rebounding  Skipping Swimming  5. Sit in silence 10 minutes a day.  To calm the racing mind : Take
 Overthinking Sometimes when the mind is in control, then a person might have looping negative thoughts... Thoughts create  feelings. Negative thoughts create negative feelings. Everytime  a negative thought comes to mind, you must take control and say to the mind  " Positive Thoughts only, please"  then while bringing a smile to your lips, take slower deeper breaths, start saying Salawaat /Durood continuously.  Salawaat has cooling and Calming properties. Except in the remembrance of your Lord, does the heart find peace. May your remembrance of your Lord  fill you heart, body and soul with His choicest Peace and Blessings.  Lots of love ♥️ Faheema 

Chemistry and compatibility in relationships

Chemistry and compatibility in relationships. While chemistry is great, compatibility is way more important. The thing with chemistry is that if you add 1 wrong chemical, you can have an explosion. And a person can loose an eye like that. So what is compatibility. It's not about liking all the same things. It's about each person being themselves and having their own interests but establishing a way of communicating and being willing to make compromises in order to find middle ground to make it work. Establishing this right from the beginning of the relationship is key. Even if it is different ways of communicating. Communication is imperative. Don't hold it all in. Don't suppress your emotions. Communicate them with love and care. May every marriage be blessed and filled with love and mercy. 

Love and hate

When a person says that they hate everything. Everything in their life will be in a way that they hate. So prepare yourself for this. It's a hard road. Hate is the opposite of love & gratitude. Love and gratitude brings abundance and blessings As soon as a person says that they love everything, everything in their lives will turn out in a way that they love. Take care of your words. They create your reality. And the choice is yours .
Great things, like kisses and smiles, hugs and Belgian chocolate ice-cream. Baby's toes, cupids bow's. Fills my heart and melts my sorrows. I'm sorry if i ever hurt you. It was never part of my plan. All I ever wanted, was to be true... Sometimes I get it wrong, But it was never part of the plan...  I'll keep trying, to be the best I can be. For me, for you, amd the Almighty. The stars are shining, And I'm so grateful. Time is passing, but I'm getting younger. So excited for whats to come. Stand up strong, Coz the wind will blow, But at times know that you just gotta let go.   With the strength of a lion  and the courage of a bear. Mend all the heartache, coz in the end its all fair. There will be justice. So keep hope, be honest and care. There's endless mercy, unrecognized by most. The day we stand up with our Master as the Host

The Purpose of Our Creation

The purpose of our creation is to worship Allah. And to worship Him in everything that we do. This a form of awareness. Awareness of Allah, in our daily lives and activities. Being aware allows us to exist in a more thoughtful manner. Being thoughtful gives us the opportunity to live the best life we can live, remembering Allah throughout. This develops our spiritually and strengthens our connection with Allah. Gearing us to be the best that we can be. But when we forget the purpose of our creation and forget the reason that Allah has placed us here and we then live in carefree manner. That's when things start going a bit haywire. Humans are holistic beings, comprising of physical, mental, emotional and spiritually areas. We need to develop all these areas of ourselves in order for us to function optimally. The truth is that most of us are developed in all the areas but not in the spiritual aspect of life. This puts us on the back foot as in this life we are tested. And in or