Great things, like kisses and smiles,
hugs and Belgian chocolate ice-cream.
Baby's toes, cupids bow's.
Fills my heart and melts my sorrows.
I'm sorry if i ever hurt you.
It was never part of my plan.
All I ever wanted, was to be true...
Sometimes I get it wrong,
But it was never part of the plan... 
I'll keep trying, to be the best I can be.
For me, for you, amd the Almighty.

The stars are shining,
And I'm so grateful.
Time is passing,
but I'm getting younger.
So excited for whats to come.

Stand up strong,
Coz the wind will blow,
But at times know that you just gotta let go.  

With the strength of a lion 
and the courage of a bear.
Mend all the heartache,
coz in the end its all fair.
There will be justice.
So keep hope, be honest and care.

There's endless mercy,
unrecognized by most.

The day we stand up with our Master as the Host


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