The Power of Healing

Auricular Acupuncture 


The best of believers is a strong believer. That means, spiritually, physically and very importantly, emotionally strong.

Healing from the effects of negative emotions is imperative as it affects the way we deal with people and respond to life situations.  It affects  the way we view and experience our time here on earth. When we look through eyes of love and light, we will be met with love and light. But if we are to look through eyes of anger and hatred, that is what we will be met with. 

In order to be successful in our attempts of imbibing Haqiqa Muhammadiya we have to let go of the past and trust in Allah about the present and the future. At times this is easier said than  done.

How does a person heal. Firstly by strengthening our connection with Allah, as Allah says “ Except in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find contentment”.

Allah has created the human body with the ability of healing itself from anything. Human beings are a part of nature requiring natural means for nurturing and healing.

Trauma, unresolved emotional issues and consumed toxins, block the natural pathways of energy flow within the body. These blockages lead to physical and emotional pain as well as dis-ease.

One of the ways of effectively helping the body to heal naturally is acupuncture. Acupuncture is normally practiced on the entire body but here, I would like to specifically discuss auricular acupuncture which is acupuncture of the ear,  particularly for emotional and psychological disorders.

The way Acupuncture works is through a system that Allah has created within the miracle of the human body, which makes it extremely effective in the healing process. 

Anxiety, depression, chronic stress, trauma, personal blocks and pain (physical and emotional) prevents a person from functioning to their full potential. As a human being, growth and development is very important and as a believer it is imperative. 

Trials and experiences are a gift from Allah.  Allah never burdens a soul with more than it  can handle. A person can choose to remain stuck in negativity or choose to overcome the challenges. Allah has given us free choice and intellect, so what do we plan to do with this freedom of choice and intellect?

We are given resources beyond our imagination. It is obligatory on us, to use these resources to reach our highest levels of spiritual, emotional and physical stations,  that Allah has blessed us with.

With tools such as auricular acupuncture we are able to prepare the fertile grounding for our minds and bodies to receive the blessings of Allah to attain excellence

How Auricular Acupuncture Works...

A clear mind, focus, rational thinking,  concentration, improved sleep, relaxation, sharpened senses and balanced  body systems are just some of the benefits of Auricular Acupuncture. 

The Nada Protocol of Auricular Acupuncture works on 5 specific points located on the surface of the ear.  Let's take a look at the healing powers of each point. 

Sympathetic: The Sympathetic  point has a strong pain relieving and relaxing effect. It relieves anxiety and also balances the emotions resulting in calmness and serenity.

Shen men:  Needling this point generally helps to alleviate anxiety, nervousness, inflammation, insomnia and depression and produces a calming, relaxing effect. It helps the process of going within, activating spirituality and detoxing from addictive substances.

Kidney: This point helps to alleviate toxicity in the kidneys, it purifies the blood, strengthens the nervous system and is related to growth and development. Needling this point releases  fear, paranoia and anguish, resulting in  will-power, wisdom, awareness and gentleness.

Liver: Chinese medical theory associates the Liver with resolving anger and aggression as well as depression and with keeping both the emotions and the body's systems moving smoothly. This point increases emotional balance, reduces impulsive behaviour and mood swings.

Lung: This point helps to alleviate toxicity in the immune and respiratory systems and improves skin function and protecting the body from disease. This point is a nourishing organ. The Lung point is associated with the grieving process, overcoming sadness and with letting go. Bringing about courage, acceptance and righteousness.

As we know,  Haqiqa Muhammadiya is our goal. Our  behavior and treatment of others are of the most important aspects that we will be questioned about in the Aakhira . But here on earth it determines our quality of life, our home environment and interpersonal relationships. Rasool Saw said: "Best is he who is best to his family ", so to be truly sincere with loved ones is where it counts first. Thereafter taking careful consideration how we treat the rest of Allah’s creation. Ensuring that patience and understanding is at the forefront of all interactions. A healthy mind and spiritual state allows a person to maintain  healthy, loving and caring relationships with family and society as a whole. Healing is the responsibility of each individual.

 But, I have found how the dynamics of a family or home changes when just one person chooses to heal. The positive effects have a domino effect.  What I like to call a Chain of  Mercy. 

Be the best that Allah made us to be. As it is a waste of a life to live in anger, depression and hatred. When we can live in love, peace, joy, wisdom and forgiveness. Bi Idhnillaah.

Faheema Peer 

(Auricular Acupuncture Specialist )


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