
Showing posts from May, 2012

Words of a 5 year old

In the words of a Very Special little 5 year old. "when you are in Salaah you are talkin to Allah. When you are reading Quraan, Allah is talking to you"

Why Allah gave us Ramadaan

I have been wondering why Allah in His Infinite Wisdom, Mercy and Love has given me Ramadaan. I know that Allah is Most WISE, so what is the Wisdom of Ramadaan? I know that Allah is Most MERCIFUL, So what is the Mercy of this month? I also know that Allah Loves me so WHY DO I HAVE TO STAY HUNGRY FOR 30 DAY!! i went to the Quraan and I found Allah Saying " O you who believe, fasting has been  ordained for you, as it has been ordained for those before you, So that you may GAIN TAQWA". I now had to find out what TAQWA is. The dictionary said :- to protect and strengthen. Looking deeper i found this to mean : Protecting my heart from the challenge of my Nafs.Protecting my heart by Connecting it to Allah. Therefore giving me the strength to obey HIM and stay away from that which displeases HIM. Looking even deeper, this 1 Ayah tells me that :- Allah wants me to be close to HIM He wants me to remember HIM He wants me to be a better human being He wants me, not just to be a Muslim...

Stand Firm Against Evil Thoughts

“STAND FIRM AGAINST EVIL THOUGHTS, for if you fail to do so, they will become ideas, if you do not, they will become desires, so fight against them. If you do not, they will become a form of determination and intention, if you do not RESIST, they will become actions, and if you do not follow them up with their opposite, they will become habits that will be hard to quit.” [ibn Al-Qayyim – From his book "Al Fawwaid"]

Attaining Perfection

We should not aim for perfection, We should aim for Allah and then Insha Allah we will reach perfection. Every action and every intention should be for Allah, then every action is an act of worship.To exist in this state is Imaan. Who am I and, What kind of a person am I being , from Allah's view? We have got to keep this in mind at all times. Acceptance, Acknowledgement and Surrendering to the Will of Allah

Necessity of Sincerity in our Actions

Sincerity in our actions and words is extremely important for our deeds to be accepted. The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "Verily, the reward of deeds depends upon the Niyyah (intentions) and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended." Therefore, every action that was not performed totally and completely for Allah’s Sake, and invalid and is of no use or benefit in this life and the Hereafter. The meaning for Niyyah is knowing the difference between the intention behind the act – A. if it is directed to Allah Alone B. to Allah and others This meaning carries with it A. happiness or misery B. reward or punishment. For example, two different persons might perform the same act, putting in the same amount of effort to it but one of them earns a reward while the other earns no reward, or even punishment, because the intentions were different in each case. Some scholars said that this is why people are at different levels (in the sight of Allah...