The Power of Healing
Auricular Acupuncture The best of believers is a strong believer. That means, spiritually, physically and very importantly, emotionally strong. Healing from the effects of negative emotions is imperative as it affects the way we deal with people and respond to life situations. It affects the way we view and experience our time here on earth. When we look through eyes of love and light, we will be met with love and light. But if we are to look through eyes of anger and hatred, that is what we will be met with. In order to be successful in our attempts of imbibing Haqiqa Muhammadiya we have to let go of the past and trust in Allah about the present and the future. At times this is easier said than done. How does a person heal. Firstly by strengthening our connection with Allah, as Allah says “ Except in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find contentment”. Allah has created the human body with the ability of healing itself from anything. Human beings a...